
Using Ansible to deploy Play Framework apps in EC2 instances

Pere Villega published on
4 min, 766 words

TL;DR: Clone Ansible for Play Framework to automate the task of deploying Play 2.x projects from a git repository into an EC2 instance.

As many developers I’m not a good sysadmin. That’s why I was happy to see the raise of PaaS like Heroku, which facilitated deploying a webapp without having to spend time in sysadmin tasks which I didn’t know how to do correctly and which took me too much time.

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Executing Jasmine Tests in Play 2.0.4

Pere Villega published on
6 min, 1098 words

Christmas break is over, and on a whim I started to check AngularJs. If you haven’t tested it yet, do it. I’ve toyed around with Backbone and some other Javascript single page app frameworks, and Angular is by far the one that I liked the most. It has simplicity embedded in its core, and turning tedious tasks (as setting controllers) into something trivial makes it a pleasure to use. Simplicity. Such an important concept, and one which is seldom present in frameworks.

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