Breaking the 1000ms Time to Glass Mobile Barrier
Mobile is the new king and HTML 5 allows developers to, at last, build once and run everywhere: tablets, phones, desktops… …
Responsive Design and Mobile First
Mobile browsing is becoming the norm. With the advent of devices like the new iPad or the Nexus 7, predictions that mobile will surpass desktop in 2014 seem wrong: it may happen even earlier. I find myself, loving desktops as I do, using Internet on my mobile more and more often. That constant access to the net is so handy… …
Web Application Tools
When developing your own web application, specially if you want to earn money with it, some information is priceless. In this page I will list some tools and tips I’ve found around the net that can help you to improve your product. They are generic tips, not linked to any language nor platform, just ways to enhance your product. …