Using Docker in Heroku
Heroku has announced beta support for Docker containers running in its platform. As I have some time in my hands, I’ve tried how well it integrates. …
Wearables: Google vs Apple
After a weekend wasted in bed (food poisoning sucks) I’ve spent some hours catching up with tech news. And I’ve found a very interesting, if brief, comment about a new war between Apple and Google that may impact their success in wearables. …
Real-Time Analytics With Storm - Done!
And Real-Time Analytics with Apache Storm it’s over. Kinda. But it has been a fun road to travel. …
Game Development Using Unity3D
I think that most software developers have a secret desire: to build their own game. Unfortunately the golden times of the 80’s where simplistic games with almost no graphics succeeded are gone. Music, graphics, story… nowadays a decent game requires lots of manpower. But is that dream over? …