
  • 18th November 2012

Iteratees and Play 2

From time to time I like to test some new functionality of Play 2.0. Creating a tiny for-fun project allows me to see that functionality in action, to solve the initial pitfalls related to it and to have a basic sample for later on. …

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  • 15th October 2012

Learning Scala in Coursera

Scala is growing, a lot. The (relatively) recent investment of $14M in the company ensures that the language will be taken care of and any remaining issues (like some necessary improvements for the IDE) tackled. Scala 2.10 is around the corner and with it all the performance and APi improvements. And Play is healthier than ever. Good times to be a Scala fan. …

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  • 22nd July 2012

Responsive Design and Mobile First

Mobile browsing is becoming the norm. With the advent of devices like the new iPad or the Nexus 7, predictions that mobile will surpass desktop in 2014 seem wrong: it may happen even earlier. I find myself, loving desktops as I do, using Internet on my mobile more and more often. That constant access to the net is so handy… …

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  • 17th June 2012

It's Back

It’s been a while, but the domain is live again! There was some unfortunate incident which wrecked the domain and left my previous blog unusable. After many months of procrastination, I’ve restored it back to a working state. …

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  • 19th July 2011

Scala: Move Forward

Soon Java 7 will be released. A bit delayed, yes, but it’s here. Even so the question lingers: is it enough? I believe the answer nowadays is NO, but of course this is an open discussion in which each developer will have a different (and valid) opinion as per each one’s background. Let’s give some arguments for the no, then. Let’s talk about Scala. …

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